![APPLY for Fiscal Sponsorship](/media/CACHE/images/people/CInefemme_Square_Fit_Hi_Res_Logo/32551ee2f2a60e0f54e3cb3701f98b62.jpg)
APPLY for Fiscal Sponsorship
Download application here: https://cinefemmeapplicationfiscalsponsorship.tiiny.site
Email to info@cinefemme.net
Regular Application Fee $200 (includes $100 application PLUS full project setup and consultation). No membership fee is required.
Pass-Through Application Fee: $100
Cinefemme takes 8% fiscal agent fee for funds processed for regular projects. This includes full incubation from development to exhibition and distribution. Possible representation at major festivals in a future Cinefemme Slate screening block.
We offer a DEEP DISCOUNTS for Pass-Through fiscal sponsorship projects!
What is Fiscal Sponsorship?
Sustainable filmmaking requires strategy and financial support.
A smart step for the independent non-commercial project is taking a fiscal sponsor, who serves as a fiscal umbrella for your project. With it’s 501(c)(3) non-profit status established in 2002, Cinefemme serves as a conduit for financial resources (donations and grants) to qualifying non-commercial projects. Projects approved for the Cinefemme Fiscal Sponsorship Program are able to solicit tax-deductible donations. Filmmakers can also access government and foundation grants restricted to non-profit organizations or fiscally sponsored projects. Very importantly, all rights, title and interest to the project belong to the filmmaker.
Here’s how it works:
Individual donors and foundations give directly to Cinefemme, indicating funds are in support of your project. Cinefemme writes you a check for your funds (less the administration fee), and the donor gets a tax write-off. Funds are accounted for at the end of each month, and if you have received any donations, a cumulative check will be disbursed. Each year, we will send you a 1099.
Please note: We do not fundraise for filmmakers. That part is the sponsored filmmaker's job.
Our call for sponsored projects is OPEN.
In addition to fiscal sponsorship, Cinefemme connects you to a community of filmakers, exclusive industry invitations, festival discounts and more opportunities. We get behind our sponsored filmmakers and provide unique support to help them succeed. As a grassroots nonprofit, Cinefemme works around creative and professional barriers to bring truly groundbreaking films by women filmmakers to mainstream audiences.